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KzRuman is a garments professionals and Digital marketers

Career Summary:

Over five years merchandising experience in RMG industry with maintaining key Merchandising component of ‘Sourcing, Mailing, Filing & Following’. My outstanding proficiency and overall experience in this field can prove an asset to the organization

Special Qualification:

** Ability of sourcing independently new potential foreign buyer by ‘Digital Marketing’
** MBA in Apparel Merchandising Completed from BIFT / BUFT in 2011
** Consumption & Costing : Knit, Woven & Sweater  (Top + Bottom)
** Advance label user of Computer. Like: Internet, MS Office-2010
** Have clear concept of Yarn, Knitting, Dyeing, Washing, Printing, Sewing and Costing etc.
** Have good knowledge of clothing export-Import marketing, SWOT Analysis, Market Survey etc.
** Dynamic, energetic, self-motivated and self-organized
** Having good mathematical & statistical analytical ability, forecasting, Profitability etc.

Employment History:

Total Year of Experience : 5 Year(s)

 * To ensure all types of raw materials estimate will be sourced at fair price, booking and receiving in goods in right time and right quantity.
* To confirm Submit and Approval status of Fabric, Sample, Trims & Acc’s (as per style/color/size)
* To check Master LC, B2B LC, daily production
* To prepare Yarn  requisition sheet, Fabric knitting program, Dyeing Program, wash program etc
* To make consumption, costing, inspection, inventory report and file handover
* To provide all sorts of papers/documents to the all concerned department
* To support to top Management
* To handle required files and documents
* To follow-up production and order
* To maintain TNA Calendar
* To Coordinate others department

Academic Qualification:
Exam Title
MBA in Apparel Merchandising  
CGPA:3.7 out of 4  
Two years.  
Fiber, Yarn, Fabric, Fabric Consumption, Costing, Knitting, Dyeing, Printing, Washing, Finishing, Pattern, CAD, Trims & Accessories, HR & Compliance
Masters of Social Science- Economics  
National University  
First Class Marks: :64%  
One year  
Mathematical & statistical analytical ability, forecasting, Profitability etc. and Make decision for an organization 'sales maximization or, cost minimization'.
Bachelor of Social Science- Economics
National University  
Second Class Marks:56%
Four years  
Utilization resources, Production & exchange of Goods and Service. International Business, To understand Monetary, Fiscal & Tex Policy, Money & Banking
ICT For Master’s Program  
National University  
CGPA:3.75 out of 4  
One Year  
Hardware, Software, MS Office, Web design, Mobile Apps, Using Internet

Training Summary:
Training Title
Digital Marketing  
Social Media Marketing and E-Mail Marketing & SEO
Export Marketing  
Export Documentation & Policy, EPB, Pricing, ERC,GSP 
Computer Fundamental  
MS Office, E-mail, Browsing, Messenger Services etc.  
Best regards
Mobile: +88-01913953959 (WhatsApp, Viber & Imo) 

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