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Different Terms and Definitions of Weaving Technology:

There are some important textile terms and definitions which are vastly used in textile sector have explained in the below:
1. What is weaving?
The action of producing fabrics by the interlacement of warp and weft yarn is known as weaving.
2. What is doubling?
According to the requirements of end used two or more yarns twisted together is known as doubling.
3. What is winding?
The process of transferring yarns from ring, bobbins, hank etc. into convenient packages termed as winding.
4. What is creelling?
The process for holding supplied packages on creel is known as creelling.
5. What is warping?
The parallel winding of warp ends in sheet forms from many small winding package (cone or cheese) on to a common packages (warp beam) is termed as warping.
6. What is sizing?
The process of applying a protective adhesive coating materials on the yarns surface is known as sizing. This is the most important operation to attain maximum weaving efficiency.
7. What is drafting?
To draw the warp yarn through the heald eye by the drawing hook according to the design or pattern of the fabric is termed as drafting.
8. What is denting?
To draw the warp yarn through the dent of the reed by the drawing hook according to the design or pattern of the fabrics is known as denting.
9. What is looming?
The process involved in preparing a weavers beam is set on the loom bracket at the back side of the loom is termed as looming.
10. What do you mean by “inspection of grey cloth”?
In textile industry, undyed and unfinished fabrics straight from the loom are called grey cloth. The activity such as measuring, examining, gauging, testing or more characteristics of grey cloth and comparing with the specified requirements to determine conformity is termed as “inspection of grey cloth”. 

11. What is winding efficiency?
The percentage expression of the ratio of the actual production to the calculated production is termed as winding efficiency.
12. What do you mean by size take-up percentage?
The amount of size material added on the yarn surface is known as size take-up percentage.

13. What is loom in weaving?
The device which is used to produce woven fabric is termed as loom. It is not a machine.
14. What is drawing-in?
It is the entering of yarns from a new warp into the weaving elements of a weaving machine named drop wires, heald eyes and reed when starting up a new fabrics style.
15. What is creel?
It is a structure for holding supply packages in textile processing.
16. What is loom brake?
Brake is to stop the loom applying pressure or force. The object of loom brake is to stop the loom instantly in case of any fault.
17. What is dwell period?
Dwell is the stationary period when the heald frames do not change their position and the shade remains open to allow the passage of the shuttle from one shuttle box to another.
18. What is reversing motion?
The opposition motion of loom motion is known as reversing motion.
19. What is let-off motion?
The process of unwinding and delivering the required amount of warp sheet from the warp beam to the weaving zone at the required rate and maintain uniform tension on warp yarn and fabric produced during weaving is known as let-off motion.

20. What is take-up motion?
The process of withdrawing fabric from weaving zone at a constant rate and then winding the woven fabric on the cloth roller with the continuous progress of weaving is known as take-up motion.
21. What is pick?
A single weft thread in a woven fabric is known as pick.
22. What is ends?
A single warp thread or yarn in a woven fabric is known as ends.

23. What is sley?
The oscillating part of a weaving machine positioned between the heads and the feel of the cloth which carries the reed is known as sley. It is also known in the U.K as lay, lathe, batter etc.
24. What is sley eccentricity ratio?
The ratio of crank circle and length of crank arm is known as sley eccentricity ratio.
25. What is shed?
Dividation of yarns into two parts for insertion of weft yarns is known as shed.


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