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Textile Terms and Definitions:

In interview board, a lot of basic questions have faced by the job seekers related with different terms and definitions of textile. Unfortunately, there are so many who cannot deliver the right answer of those due to lack of basic textile knowledge. Hope, this article will help you in your dream job interview.
Textile factory or mil
Textile factory or mill
Important Definitions of Textile Sector:
1. What is fibre fineness?
It is expressed in weight per unit length or length per weight.
2. What is fiber maturity?
Fibre maturity is a fiber characteristic which expresses the relative degree of thickening of the fibre wall. It depends on weather, plant disease, pests, types of soil and dead fibres.

3. What is maturity ratio?
The ratio of actual degree of wall thickening to standard degree of wall thickening is termed as maturity ratio.
4. What is staple fibre?
A fiber of limited and relatively short length is known as staple fiber.
5. What is oligomer?
A polymer composed from only a small number of monomeric units, hence oligomrisation is known as oligomer.
6. What is sample?
A separate unit or part representation of the lot, design or consignment is known as sample.
7. What is sliver?
An assemblage of fibres in continuous from without twist is known as sliver.
8. What is monomer?
The individual small molecules from which the polymer is termed as monomer. Example: ethylene is the monomer of polyethylene.
9. What is slub?
An abnormally thick place in a yarn is termed as slub.

10. What is regenerated fiber?
The fiber which we get by regeneration from its main origin is known as regenerated fiber. The regenerated fibres are divided into the below four types:
  • Cellulosic fiber such as cupro, viscose, rayon, modal etc.
  • Cellulosic esters such as acetate, triacetate.
  • Protein fibers such as zeir, casin, azlon.
  • Miscellaneous such as rubber, alginate.
11. What is work factor?
The ratio of work of rupture to breaking load and breaking extension is termed as work factor.
12. What is stress?
The restoring force per unit area of a substance is known as stress.
13. What is moisture regain?
The ratio of water in a materials to the over dry weight of this material expressed in percentage is known as moisture regain. If over dry weight of a material is D and weight of water in the material is W then moisture regain is R= W/D × 100

14. What is moisture content?
The ratio of water in a material to the total weight of the material expressed in percentage is termed as moisture content. It is denoted by C. if woven dry wet of a material is D and weight of water in this material is W then moisture content C= W/ (W+D) × 100
15. What is work of rupture?
The load at which material break is termed as breaking load.
16. What is tenacity?
The tensile force per unit linear density corresponding with the maximum force on a force or extension curve is termed as tenacity.

17. What is plasticity?
After elastic limit when stress is increased the material cannot recover the extension but if stress is removed then it’s termed as plasticity. 
18. What is creep?
When a load is applied on textile materials then instantaneous strain occurred in the fiber and after release the stress slow deformation will be occurred with passing of time. This behavior of textile fiber is termed as creep. It has two types, where one is primary creep and another one is secondary creep.

19. What is breaking length?
The length of the specimen which will just break under its own weight when hung vertically is called breaking length. Its unit is kg.

20. What is crimp?
The ratio of the differences of straightened length and crimped length to the crimped length expressed in percentage is called crimp.
21. What are flexural properties?
The behavior shown by the materials during bending is called flexural properties.


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