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Important Terms Used in Knitting Sector:

Some important terms of knitting have presented in the below:
1. Course:
A course is a predominantly horizontal raw of needle loops which is produced by adjacent needles during the same knitting cycle is known as course. 
In case of weft knitted fabric, a course is composed of yarn from a single supply termed as a course length (Number of loop × Loop length).

2. Wales:
In knitting sector, a wale is a predominantly vertical column of inter-meshed needle loops which is generally produced by the same needle knitting cycles i.e. the no. of vertical columns of loop of knit fabric is known as wales.
In case of warp knitting, a wale can be produced from the same yarn. It should be noted here that, wales are connected together across the width of the fabric by sinker loops (weft knitting) or under laps (warp knitting).
3. Needle:
A needle is a hooked metal part which is used for the formation f loops. It is the principle knitting elements of the knitting machine. All types of knitting needle should have the system to make a new loop and return back the old loop. The knitting needles are two types where one is independent needle and another one is united needle.
4. Needle carrier:
The place where the needles are set up is known as needle carrier. A part of knitting machine containing independently by moving needles in a needle bed or united needles in a needle bar to help in knitting action. It should be noted here that, the needle may be circular or flat.
5. Needle gauge or machine gauge:
The needle gauge of a knitting machine is measure expressed the number of needle per unit of the needle bed or needle bar.
Machine gauge can be calculated by dividing the total number of needles into the length of the needle bed.

6. Needle pitch:
The distance among two neighboring needles in the same needle bed from the center of a needle to the center of a neighboring needle is termed as needle pitch. It should be noted here, needle pitch is inversely proportional to needle gauge.


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