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Top 10-20 B2B Directories in the World

Rank Screenshot Website Languages Business Type Location Ranking(2010) Ranking (2009) PR
11 B2B Website in South Korea ecplaza: Another Korean e-commerce website in Korea, ecplaza has launched four language versions: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.  >> B2B Website in South Korea
  • English
  • Chinese
  • Korean
  • Japanese
B2B Korea 3,575 2,517 6
12 Official B2B Marketplace in China Founded by the China Internet Information Center, is a government authorized B2B website based in Beijing, the capital city of China.  >> Official B2B Marketplace in China
  • English
  • Chinese
B2B China 3,576 5,250 6
13 The Largest Machinery Directory in North America ThomasNet: The largest B2B directory in the North America, ThomasNet focuses on machinery and other industrial products.  >> The Largest Machinery Directory in North America
  • English
Yellow Pages USA 3,674 4,932 8
14 U.S. B2B Directory Meritline: Meritline has its headquarter in United States while operating in China. It provides one-stop trading solution for suppliers and buyers.  >> U.S. B2B Directory
  • English
B2C USA 5,395 10,387 5
15 Chinese E-Commerce Website MainOne:  As a big Chinese manufacturing directory, MainOne recently launched its English website for foreign buyers and suppliers.  >> Chinese E-Commerce Website
  • Chinese
B2B China 7,732 4,621 5
16 Compra venta de productos en SoloStocks. El portal mayorista líder en
venta al por mayor de empresas online. Compra al por mayor y publica anuncios gratis.
  • Spanish
B2B Spain 7,888   4
17 An U.S. Engineering B2B Website GlobalSpec: A leading search engine in specified industry (engineering), GlobalSpec is a great resources for industrial parts, specifications and related services.  >> An U.S. Engineering B2B Website
  • English
B2BEngineering USA 9,041 7,585 6
18 A leading Business-to-Business Website in the United States KOMPASS: The second largest companies directory in the United States, KOMPASS has web pages in 27 languages and 8 individual sites for country-based markets.  >> A leading Business-to-Business Website in the United States
  • English
B2B France 9,910 5,777 7
19 B2B Search Engine for Suppliers & Manufactures TooToo: The global leading B2B search engine designed to help all suppliers and manufactures over the world find the products, companies, services, and resources they need to make the right business decisions.  >> B2B Search Engine for Suppliers & Manufactures
  • English
  • Chinese
B2B China 10,676 10,967 5
20 Online Trading Directory DailyTrader: Online trading directory of wholesalers, dropshippers, importers and more with up to date information about discount and wholesale sources from across the world.  >> Online Trading Directory
  • English
B2B Pakistan 11,399 36,301 4


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