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Top 10 Business-to-Business Directories in the World

Rank Screenshot Website Languages Business Type Location Ranking(2010) Ranking (2009) PR
1 The largest B2B Marketplace Alibaba: As a listed company in Hong Kong Stock Exchange, is marked as the largest online B2B e-commerce website in the world serving over 35 millions of users.  >> The largest B2B Marketplace
  • English
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
B2B China 93 187 8
2 Company Profiles and Information Manta: Manta is not a B2B marketplace actually. Rather, it provides company profiles for Business to Business industry.  >> Company Profiles and Information
  • English
Yellow Pages USA 974 2,118 6
3 Made in China Product Directory Made-in-China: The world second largest manufacturer directory in the word, Made-in-China provides sell offers for buyers all around the world.  >> Made in China Product Directory
  • English
  • Chinese
  • Taiwanese
B2B China 1,099 1,473 7
4 Indian Business to Business Directory IndiaMart: The biggest business yellow page in India, IndiaMART has over 300K exporters and importers around the world.  >> Indian Business to Business Directory
  • English
B2B India 1,345 2,400 6
5 Wholesaler Directory DHgate: A totally new hybrid in B2B industry, is also serving a third-party payment escrow. The buyers pay through PayPal and funds are deposited into DHgate account. >> Wholesaler Directory
  • English
Wholesaler China 1,402 4,182 7
6 Korean Directory of Suppliers EC21: With buyers and suppliers from over 200 countries and regions, EC21 is the largest B2B marketplace in South Korea. >> Korean Directory of Suppliers
  • English
  • Chinese
  • Korean
B2B Korea 2,303 2,235 6
7 Directory of Verified Suppliers globalsources: Being the first listed company in stock market, is famous for its quality suppliers. Many China manufacturers choose to pay a big amount of money to become a verified supplier.  >> Directory of Verified Suppliers
  • English
  • Chinese
B2B China 2,812 3,310 6
8 A leading Business to Business Website in India TradeIndia: Another Indian B2B website, Tradeindia offers trade leads for both India and Foreign factories, exporters, manufacturers, and service providers.  >> A leading Business to Business Website in India
  • English
B2B India 2,970 3,375 6
9 One of the leading B2B Websites DIYTrade: Formerly known as, DIYTrade soon became one of the leading directories for exporters and importers. It is based in south China.  >> One of the leading B2B Websites
  • Chinese
  • English
B2B China 3,387 4,761 5
10 More than 100,000 Global buyers have created their own Toocle, and
more than 500,000 audited China suppliers have joined their appropriate buyer's Toocle.
  • English
  • Korean
  • Chinese
B2B China 3,478 6


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