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Top 20-30 B2B Websites in the World

Rank Screenshot Website Languages Business Type Location Ranking(2010) Ranking (2009) PR
21 The biggest e-Marketplace in Middle East TradeKey: The largest Business to Business marketplace in Middle East, TradeKey offers in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. >> The biggest e-Marketplace in Middle East
  • English
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Spanish
  • Arabic
  • French
B2B UAE 11,541 8,193 8
22 Europe’s leading export-network, connects sellers to buyers worldwide, extending out to over 3 million business professionals monthly.
  • English
B2B Germany 11,865   6
23 The leading source for business purchasing BuyerZone: Marketplace for small and mid-sized businesses.  >> The leading source for business purchasing
  • English
B2B USA 12,958 11,119 6
24 Directory of U.S. Suppliers Kellysearch: One of the leading directories of U.S. manufacturers in the world, Kellysearch also launched country specified B2B search engine in U.K., Germany, Netherlands, and India. >> Directory of U.S. Suppliers
  • English
B2B USA 16,569 16,700 7
25 Chinese Manufacturing Directory ECVV: A relatively new business-to-business directory in China, ECVV categorizes its content by Product Directory and Business Directory serving millions of manufacturers and global buyers in the world.  >> Chinese Manufacturing Directory
  • English
  • Chinese
B2B China 16,727 6,763 6
26 B2B Trade Leads BusyTrade: BusyTrade, B2B trade leads marketplace, China Products, China suppliers, company directory, trade directory, importers and exporters directory, China manufacturers.  >> B2B Trade Leads
  • English
  • Chinese
B2B China 18,621 17,476 6
27 B2B China Manufacturers B2B China Manufacturers Directory, China Sources For Global Buyers Direct Connecting Reliabl Manufacturing Companies, China Products Suppliers,Chinese Exporters.
  • English
  • Chinese
  • French
  • Arabic
  • Korean
  • German
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Italian
B2B China 19,576   7
28 MadeInChina MadeInChina: Buy high quality wholesale apparel, cell phones, jewelry, handbags, shoes, video games, digital devices and more wholesale products from reliable Chinese wholesalers with worldwide delivery & escrow protection program on
  • English
Wholesaler China 21,331   6
29 Worldwide B2B Portal is a worldwide B2B marketplace that makes trade easy.  >> Worldwide B2B Portal
  • English
  • Chinese
  • Taiwanese
B2B Taiwan 21,381 20,386 5
30 China suppliers directory and China products catalog, providing trade leads among China factory, manufacturers, suppliers, and global buyers from free business guide of China
  • English
B2B China 24,373   5


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